Not Viable An Autobiography of an American Nationalist

Nick Taurus


Not Viable: An Autobiography of an American Nationalist is the story of American nationalist, activist, and former congressional candidate Nick Taurus. The work explores the difficulties in infiltrati...
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Not Viable: An Autobiography of an American Nationalist is the story of American nationalist, activist, and former congressional candidate Nick Taurus. The work explores the difficulties in infiltrating the political mainstream, the inherent hypocrisy of the GOP political establishment, and the continued ideological awakening of millions of White Americans who have grown dissatisfied with the current trajectory of our country. Although Not Viable is the story of one man, Nick Taurus, and his long–shot candidacy in the 2022 midterms, the story itself is a commentary on our broken political system. American politics is far from this virtuous process our elites want us to believe it is, while the levels of ethnic nepotism, backroom dealing, and blackballing is truly astounding. Not Viable is meant as a "middle finger" to established American political orthodoxy, and this work hopes to demonstrate that the machinations of our bankrupt political class is what's truly "not viable" in American politics today.
Nick Taurus | 9798892210423 | BIO032000 | book-has-featured-image