Only You And God Knows You

Jerry Manukin


It was not easy, God knowing me, as the world puts you to a test on the daily basis. I have stumbled at times and even denounced God a few times, but in my heart and soul, he forgave me, and I continu...
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It was not easy, God knowing me, as the world puts you to a test on the daily basis. I have stumbled at times and even denounced God a few times, but in my heart and soul, he forgave me, and I continued my life a better person. I believe all of us are put on this earth to better our lives and others, and when we return, we will pick up where we left off. As I’ve often said, take care of your body; it is a loaner and belongs to God, and he returns it to dust and gives you a new body, but you will have to keep your soul. If all goes as God planned, I will be reborn, and my soul will return to Earth, and I will again be among the living. (Remember, all lives are important. Maintain your self-respect.) May God guide all of you with his wisdom. In ClosingIf Jesus gave me three wishes, the first I would give to all of you, so you have a wish. The second wish, I would give to my wife, Judith; son, Jerry; and daughter, Michele. The third and final wish, I would give back to Jesus to give to his Father to thank him for being proud of his son and his adopted children, as I am of my family. Thank you.
Jerry Manukin | 9781098081898 | REL012030 | book-has-featured-image