What life do you want to live?
What country do you want to live in?
Book 1, Paradigm, concentrates upon the big five of Honesty, Truth, Compassion, Love, and Responsibility. Every word you've ever sai...
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What life do you want to live?
What country do you want to live in?
Book 1, Paradigm, concentrates upon the big five of Honesty, Truth, Compassion, Love, and Responsibility. Every word you've ever sai...
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What country do you want to live in?
Book 1, Paradigm, concentrates upon the big five of Honesty, Truth, Compassion, Love, and Responsibility. Every word you've ever said, everything you've done, your entire life, falls into the big five. We know the big five has a sixth, penalty. Yes, we are more about reward. Penalty is applied when any of the big five are violated. Why aren't the big five included in our Constitution? You have to work for Freedom, because it never comes easy, and always at a high price. Book 2, Non–violent, is in regards to United, Freedom, Liberty, Democracy, and Equal. "We the People" dislike our government. Only "We the People" can fix it. VOTE THEM OUT!
Each parent, when their child grows, and leaves home, will ask themselves, sometime, if their child has a firm grasp of the big five. You want to know if you did your job well as a parent. Why would we launch an infant country without including the big five? We have Amended our Constitution 27 times without including the big five. We can fix this! Yes, it will take huge efforts, and you must be diligent in your efforts. I want to strengthen our Constitution, and need your help. You put–forth no effort, then all will only get worse.
Stand–up for humanity! Stand–up for yourself!