Pink Fingernails

Jennifer Jefferson


Pink Fingernails is a collection of poetry I channeled while journaling over a 10–year period. I found that the language of my feelings of joy, pain, confusion, anger, gratitude, and conversations w...
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Pink Fingernails is a collection of poetry I channeled while journaling over a 10–year period. I found that the language of my feelings of joy, pain, confusion, anger, gratitude, and conversations with Spirit wanted to be expressed while I was processing and healing from various situations during that time. I stored my journals away only to find them again in 2021. After reading them again, I felt compelled to bring them forward in print to offer healing and Oneness to my sisters and brothers (collectively).The short story adds a little "mm–hmm...I know whatcha talking about" moment! And finally, the recipe for the brownies is my way to feed your soul and your tummy too!Be well!
Jennifer Jefferson | 9798885053037 | POE000000 | book-has-featured-image