Why do we have the freedom to choose? What are the choices we make? Why do we make certain decisions? How do we reason and select or evaluate our choices to make life work for us? Or is it about us? P...
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Why do we have the freedom to choose? What are the choices we make? Why do we make certain decisions? How do we reason and select or evaluate our choices to make life work for us? Or is it about us? P...
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Choice is a fundamental freedom in a free society as opposed to a dictatorship. Choice has always been a God-given ability for angelic beings and humans. Lucifer and the heavenly host exercised their ability to choose long before God created humankind. Two-thirds of the angelic beings decided to stay on God's side, and one-third decided to rebel with Lucifer. What we choose and why we make the selections are critical to the success of life. Taking away one's fundamental right to choose creates rebellion, discord, strife, and a form of slavery. Although God may allow it, however, it is not his desire for us.
Teaching and influencing people how to make better choices is key to having a better society. In Pro-Choice, Pro-God, Pro-Life: a Multiple-Choice Answer for a Humanity Question, you will explore why we as a nation must be committed to establishing and promoting better choice-making abilities, based upon proven biblical truths, and the need for embracing God's grace for overcoming past mistakes.
We are a violent, sexually addicted society with a bent toward self-destruction. We cannot afford to leave our future to chance or politicians who have figured out how to manipulate the emotions of the country for their gain. By exercising our God-given ability to choose correctly, we become competently equipped as a nation to be pro-choice, pro-God, and pro-life for our humanity.