Problem Solving with Jesus is a book full of truth that would and can help many people. We all have gone through many things in our lives and wished that it never happened. But we cannot change the pa... Read More
Problem Solving with Jesus is a book full of truth that would and can help many people. We all have gone through many things in our lives and wished that it never happened. But we cannot change the past, but we can do something about the future. You see, we have the power to change ourselves, and in doing so, we can live better lives. This book has many things that I have gone through in life, and many things that I have seen others go through. Also, it has many truths that Jesus can show you and take you out of the negative and put you into the positive. Just by reading and understanding what the Lord Jesus can do for you is the best thing for you and those around you. I know that if you have not gone through something, then you have seen and/or know someone that has or is going through something that is not good. We all have heard of others going through sad situations and wish we could help them. But we seem to be powerless because we do not know what to do. Well, we have forgotten that knowing the past of self and others we can change it and make it better by not doing the same things over again. Also, we can help others that are going through bad times by just receiving Jesus into our lives. Having Jesus can give us strength and so much more to better our lives. I have gone through so much, and if I knew Jesus and/or had listened to God to begin with, I would not have gone through so much pain.