Rational Animals

Professor James Perry


The animals of the Earth deserve our protection. Human animals are the animals' animal. Humans need to realize that we exist primarily as Stewards of Nature and each other here on Earth. We are here t...
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The animals of the Earth deserve our protection. Human animals are the animals' animal. Humans need to realize that we exist primarily as Stewards of Nature and each other here on Earth. We are here to build within nature, not on top of nature. We are here to help each other and approach life with love and charity, not hatred and violence. This is accomplished individually by us through "self" discovery and "self" actualization with reflective thinking towards our Being. Awareness of personal "self" is the goal of our lives on Earth. From here, we help the animals and each other. Our "self" may be fully discovered through thinking-about-thinking and critical thinking as we reflect upon our position while we are Being-in-the-World.
Professor James Perry | 9798891124554 | PHI005000 | book-has-featured-image