Revelation for Modern Times

L.J. Alexander


The time of times is at hand--God's hand. Sounds strong for the much anticipated events of Revelation. Why now? Why should we know it's now? The world stopped and is continuing to be stopped. Do you s...
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The time of times is at hand--God's hand. Sounds strong for the much anticipated events of Revelation.

Why now?

Why should we know it's now? The world stopped and is continuing to be stopped.

Do you sense the evil nature of such events? So much is transpiring without love

This is a battle now of Good and those not-so-good. This is beyond structural rifts between continents and countries. This is the closing conflict of man making war with himself and others. The true Power of God is now disdained in most leaders and people's hearts. A dimensional battle to keep all from climbing into new conscious awareness by discovering greatness and light.

Where is the hope and light? You! And Jesus' God-given covenant of his return:

  • To host the new earth
  • To reinstate your pure power of the soul
  • Teach all who are willing to apply the laws of the universe to the true light--the immortal soul! Yours!
  • In these pages, the true nature of Jesus' return is revealed by Him. Not as told by religions and limiting viewpoints of people, societies, and leaders. He explains all details of the past, present, and bright future of the magnificent millennial reign. All will live a perfect abundant life with the Creator and Jeshuah as your great teachers, supporters, and friends.

    God and Jesus are now reaching in love and strength. Be blessed in the knowing for what you historically have been told may not be accurate.

    Revelation is the great blessing and reveal for the next consciousness of your true inheritance.

    The earth is powering to a higher awareness.

    Be the Light because you are from Light!

    Please consider your new destiny with an open heart

    --Jesus/Jeshuah/Yahweh/God/I Am

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