Revelation in the Song of Songs

Vola Masoandro Andrianarijaona


Song of Songs, or Shir Hashirim, is a very special book of the Bible for many reasons.For example, it is the most metaphorical, opening the door to many different interpretationsthat do not oppose eac...
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Song of Songs, or Shir Hashirim, is a very special book of the Bible for many reasons.For example, it is the most metaphorical, opening the door to many different interpretationsthat do not oppose each other. It is also one of the books that does not contain any of God'snames, at least in the most used versions of the Bible. It holds quite a few Guinness BibleRecords in terms of word occurrences and word first appearance.In light of this, Song of Songs should be fascinating, but most studies of it havefollowed a narrow and limited path. The book has often been seen as primarily a story abouta woman and a man deeply in love. And it certainly contains that aspect in striking detail. Some parents would not dare read it aloud in front of their children. Sermons based on versesfrom Song of Songs are almost always linked to marital relationships or something similar.But is that all this book is about? Certainly not. In fact, the Son of God used aconnotation found only in Song of Songs, in the last prophecy he gave on his way to Calvary. The study of Song of Songs alongside the book of Daniel and Revelation hints of propheticaspects. For example, Song of Songs describes in detail the seven churches of Revelation.It also alludes to the two statues of the book of Daniel. And the four beasts? Yes, they havetheir allegories there as well. God's laws? Of course. Even the sealing of God's people wasnot left out. Country living? There is no way to miss it. The Great Controversy and how itends: this is perhaps the greatest message of the book.
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