Satan’s Layers


Satan’s layers is like the smoke detector in the house. You really don’t think about it until it goes off. Satan is a clever architect in trying to keep us from knowing and serving God. He consist...
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Satan’s layers is like the smoke detector in the house. You really don’t think about it until it goes off. Satan is a clever architect in trying to keep us from knowing and serving God. He consistently and methodically places layers of sin upon us in such a manner that years can go by before we notice just how much of an effect he has had in leading us astray. This book is the smoke detector hopefully sending a very loud alert to you that Satan is very busy placing those layers on your soul every day and it will not place your physical life in jeopardy, or perhaps could, but will place your eternal life with Jesus in jeopardy. So, react to the alarm and take measures to be safe. Satan’s Layers tells of one Christian’s journey away from, and back to, the Lord and hopes that his journey helps you start your journey back to the Lord as well.
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