Second Peter was written primarily to warn the church of false teachers who would deceitfully and purposely lead the saints astray and ruin the church's witness of the true gospel. To that end, Peter ...
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Second Peter was written primarily to warn the church of false teachers who would deceitfully and purposely lead the saints astray and ruin the church's witness of the true gospel. To that end, Peter ...
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The commentary seeks to bring out the meaning of each verse within its immediate and wider context. The ESV Bible was the primary text used, with comparisons made to the KJV and NASB. Important terms were checked using a Greek interlinear Bible and lexicon, which were very helpful. Individual concepts are explained or established using other Scripture passages, with references provided. Unlike many commentaries, there are no anecdotes. The commentary was intended to delve deeply and thoroughly into the Epistle yet produce a readable explanation of Peter's meaning and purpose.