People ask how can they have a better life?
People are seeking joy, happiness, and the stability of both.
Bring the Seven laws of living into the foreground of life--peace, purpose and prosperity is y...
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People ask how can they have a better life?
People are seeking joy, happiness, and the stability of both.
Bring the Seven laws of living into the foreground of life--peace, purpose and prosperity is y...
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People are seeking joy, happiness, and the stability of both.
Bring the Seven laws of living into the foreground of life--peace, purpose and prosperity is yours!
Life is the genesis of a great experience on earth--the soul journey.
Much of these ideas, beliefs, or general knowledge of how to operate on a productive level were lost long ago. The great distraction by those separated and dark-hearted with a willingness to stop others.
Worldly wealth is a by-product of right thinking, feeling, and really magnetizing all resources to serve your purpose.
Continue on a disconnected path of I want, I cannot see, and I have pain. Then, nothing can be restored on a path of enlightenment. All are miscommunications with life application and the soul. What does that mean? Much has come against you in the world of stuff--structural hindrances. Also, the unseen works to keep you in a state of fear, panic, and flight.
Live without limits! Live the immortal viewpoints of life. Free yourself!
The author is revealing Jesus' own words and viewpoints on these key universal laws and all biblical applications for all people, not by religion, race, color or creed. All have a God-given inheritance called purpose. Live by his invitation of application of dimensional and universal power through the seven laws of living. Then, peace, purpose, and prosperity is the outcome of your immortal nature.
God and Jesus desire all to join us. The great revealing is at hand--God's hand. The light of your life is to be reinstated. Join in the awareness of your greatness!
You need only claim the gift of his covenant to start living in your heart.
A gift from my heart to yours!
--Jesus/ Jeshuah/ God/ I AM/ Source
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