
Reverend Kenneth R. Haddaway


In Sightings: Finding God in Fifteen Curious Miracles of Scripture, Pastor Kenn invites readers on a journey to discover the profound messages of love and grace woven into the miraculous events of the...
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In Sightings: Finding God in Fifteen Curious Miracles of Scripture, Pastor Kenn invites readers on a journey to discover the profound messages of love and grace woven into the miraculous events of the Bible. From the majestic beauty of the oceans and night sky to the breathtaking northern lights and Grand Canyon, to the bountiful harvests of the Great Plains, Pastor Kenn illustrates how these miracles reveal the boundless love and glory of God, as stated in Psalm 19:1-3:The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night shows knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.Through an intimate exploration of fifteen specific miracles, Pastor Kenn guides readers to see beyond the surface and to find the heart of the message that God is speaking to each of us through these events. This book is an invitation to deepen your understanding and experience of God's love, a journey that is sure to touch your heart and bring you closer to the divine.
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