Many thousands of years ago, a young boy named Siri grew up in an isolated mountain kingdom. Seeking answers to his past, he somehow manages to escape, joined by an older man who would become his ment...
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Many thousands of years ago, a young boy named Siri grew up in an isolated mountain kingdom. Seeking answers to his past, he somehow manages to escape, joined by an older man who would become his ment...
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Siri's story reads like an epic-style adventure. Tall, skinny, and awkward, he is a far cry from the typical sword-swinging hero. Though fiction, the work incorporates a good deal of fact as well as a spattering of science fiction and the supernatural. A sad and tragic ending to his short life. However, one which is intrinsically tied to the rise of myth and legend; as well as the establishment (or reestablishment) of civilization itself.