Sneaky Goes to Palm Beach is a delightful story about the adventure of a little boy and his mother who discover a three-eyed monster while visiting the little boy's grandparents in Palm Beach. Blake a...
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Sneaky Goes to Palm Beach is a delightful story about the adventure of a little boy and his mother who discover a three-eyed monster while visiting the little boy's grandparents in Palm Beach. Blake a...
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While Blake and his mommy followed these footprints, Blake's mommy told Blake there was an old Palm Beach tale about a three-eyed monster that was spreading around town. People who lived near the beach were saying that they knew some people who actually saw a three-eyed monster coming out of the ocean. Blake's mommy told him it was just a rumor, which is something people make up when they don't know the truth about something. Curious as Blake and his mother were, they were determined to discover if the Palm Beach tale about the appearance of the three-eyed monster was true