Sonny’s Adventures With Little Duke

Ivey Green


Sonny goes to visit his best friend, Little Duke. Sonny sees snow for the first time. Sonny gets to stay for one month with Little Duke. Little Duke takes Sonny to the dog park to meet new friends. So...
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Sonny goes to visit his best friend, Little Duke. Sonny sees snow for the first time. Sonny gets to stay for one month with Little Duke. Little Duke takes Sonny to the dog park to meet new friends. Sonny can't believe all the things there are to play on. This is Sonny's favorite thing besides the snow! Sonny learns some birds fly south in the winter. And the sites! Don't forget the doggy chicken taco from the outdoor restaurant. What a visit.
Ivey Green | 9781636927312 | EDU023000 | book-has-featured-image