Stayin Alive in Later Life: Change Management

Byron Whisler


Retirement is now a season of life. Longer life expectancies are changing everything. The USA 2018 Census reports that by 2030, one out of five Americans will be over sixty-five. They will outnumber t...
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Retirement is now a season of life. Longer life expectancies are changing everything. The USA 2018 Census reports that by 2030, one out of five Americans will be over sixty-five. They will outnumber the kids in our country and will have possible life expectancies stretching out another forty years. This report was evidenced by the Sonoma Bank report in 2017 that 50 percent of the US wineries might be sold in the next five years because the owners want to retire. A quiet revolution has gone on. We are turning into a later-life country, with little preparation for the growing older experience. This book introduces a strategic planning approach designed to help senior adults better cope with changes in employment, health, and family issues, and ultimately score high scores on life fulfillment and satisfaction tests!
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