Sudden Intimacies

Dr. Jim Davis MD


Sudden Intimacies is a compilation of stories of Jim Davis and his experiences in becoming immediately close to strangers in the practice of medicine from medical school, internship, residency to prac...
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Sudden Intimacies is a compilation of stories of Jim Davis and his experiences in becoming immediately close to strangers in the practice of medicine from medical school, internship, residency to practice in a small town, then in an emergency room to, finally, a medical doctor at a university. The stories are full of humor, emotion, and caring. Jim retells these tales in a manner that helps educate the reader as well as delight the heart. If you know someone who is going into medicine, this is a must read. If you love human interest stories, these will capture your heart.
Dr. Jim Davis MD | 9781662415296 | BIO026000 | book-has-featured-image