Marty Kavrone was born poor, but raised within a prominent organized crime family. Home schooled by some of England's finest educators. He came up in the organization well respectedand trustworthy. He... Read More
Marty Kavrone was born poor, but raised within a prominent organized crime family. Home schooled by some of England's finest educators. He came up in the organization well respectedand trustworthy. He controlled Chicago's south side Speakeasys and gambling houses. Which were predominately operated and patronized by the black community. Marty's heart and his Tug of War between right and wrong are continual battles for him throughout his life time. Marty's choices may shock and astound you. Discover how Marty deals with racial discrimination, family, love and violence.
Connie Johnson | 9781684097371 | FIC002000 | book-has-featured-image