Tales of the Korean War: A Reminiscence

Percy Townsend


Using a US Army infantry regiment as a backdrop, tales are told of individual soldiers' experiences during the Korean War. They are tales of the dogfaces, the grunts, the foxhole men, and the officers...
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Using a US Army infantry regiment as a backdrop, tales are told of individual soldiers' experiences during the Korean War. They are tales of the dogfaces, the grunts, the foxhole men, and the officers that led them.

This moving account takes you inside their hearts, minds, and souls. When men depend on one another in battle, a bond among them is created that can never be broken. Etched in their minds are thoughts and memories that will remain as long as their lives endure.

Their tales speak of comradery, bravery, and cowardice. They reveal the terror, the sadness, and the glory of battle. War is exposed with all its horror, misery, and bloodshed by soldiers and innocent civilians alike. The tales unveil soldiers' atrocities committed to ensure their own survival.

These are stories of men far away from their homes and loved ones, fighting to obtain freedom for a people they would never know.

These are their stories, stories not intended for the faint of heart.

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