I wanted to run into the street screaming, "My mom and dad beat me and my brother, can anyone help us!" But I knew there was no help. My mom used a bamboo stick, then when she was done, Walt would bea...
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I wanted to run into the street screaming, "My mom and dad beat me and my brother, can anyone help us!" But I knew there was no help. My mom used a bamboo stick, then when she was done, Walt would bea...
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One day, my hands were so cramped up from squeezing the glue bottles, I asked if I could go upstairs and run hot water on them. "No," he barked at me, "you will not leave your workstation." I looked around the corner, didn't see him, so running, I turned the water on. I heard a noise; I knew he was behind me. As I turned around he backhanded me across my face, yelling, "You are nobody, and you will never be anybody, ever, do you understand me!" Oh he was a red-eyed, devil and the abuse he put my brother and I through was tortuous.
Going into an abusive marriage, my husband broke my nose twice, and I took nightly beatings. I went to his work and found out he left with his sixty-three-year-old lover. He begged me to stay, and so we moved. Going to work, he took the car keys, wouldn't let me have a phone, or leave any money. He had me right where he wanted me. Every night after work, he would go drinking, come home, then beat the hell out of me. I had to leave and divorce him, or he would kill me. I finally remarried; I knew he would never hit me, but the mental abuse was terrible. He also had a problem that he had hid from me; it had to do with a little white line called cocaine. It led to a lot of problems And he was always trying to make me use.