The Book of Earl

Earl Humphreys


Born in the cold of winter, Earl came into this world fighting and trying to survive! Taking to pneumonia shortly after birth, Earl would have the wind blowing like a hurricane through his branches ea...
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Born in the cold of winter, Earl came into this world fighting and trying to survive! Taking to pneumonia shortly after birth, Earl would have the wind blowing like a hurricane through his branches early on to strengthen him for what lies ahead. Throughout his life, he would feel the oppression of those that ruled. Having a problem following was a trait that the rebel took to. Rebelling would get him sent to the baddest penitentiary in the state of Tennessee at the age of nineteen. Lessons would come fast and hard for the hardheaded, rebellious young man. Around that same time, Earl would fall in love with a woman that had the hotness of Betty Paige and the beauty of Elizabeth Taylor. He was crazy about her! She would become pregnant, and they married. The young sixteen-year-old girl had stolen his heart. But would she be there when he went to prison? They were both young, beautiful, and raring to go. While here on earth, Earl would raise hell and cut a path straight through it. Times in the hills of East Tennessee were hard, and the state of Tennessee being fifth in the nation in political corruption was really screwing the poor. The poor young boy would take on the bigwigs, and that was trouble. He would take on city managers, mayors, senators, and a lieutenant governor. His enemies were mounting fast, almost as fast as the destruction of civilization playing out in the new millennium. Earl’s journey is in this book. He had to live the life that he lived to be able to relate and come on the scene when a rebel was truly needed!
Earl Humphreys | 9781683482413 | BIO000000 | book-has-featured-image