The Community Ditch

Ben Hoskins


What is it like to be a pioneer? Why would a person or family ever consider moving out on undeveloped wilderness land and attempt to make a life there? I suppose there are many reasons that wou...
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What is it like to be a pioneer? Why would a person or family ever consider moving out on undeveloped wilderness land and attempt to make a life there?

I suppose there are many reasons that would cause people to pack up and move. But most of the reasons could be summed up with the word ESCAPE. Escape a food shortage and starvation that existed in Ireland during the nineteenth century. or life under a brutal dictator in some foreign country, or the dirty slum life in a city.

Also, pioneering offered the opportunity to realize the American dream. A new and exciting adventure, a chance to be independent, be your own boss, and, of course, a healthy place to raise a family.

This fictional tale gives the reader a window into a few of the many obstacles that pioneers faced in one of the last major family farm experiences of America.

Ben Hoskins | 9781638448471 | FIC000000 | FIC066000 | book-has-featured-image