The Culling Begins

Anthony DeGroot


Twelve Spirit Oaks guard Eden from The Great Deceiver trapped deep within Tartarus. After standing for as long as anyone can remember, the Spirit Oaks begin to vanish from the world. Two opposing forc...
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Twelve Spirit Oaks guard Eden from The Great Deceiver trapped deep within Tartarus. After standing for as long as anyone can remember, the Spirit Oaks begin to vanish from the world. Two opposing forces begin to clash. As a member of The Order struggles to protect the trees, a Dark Figure is on a quest to rid Eden of its supposed blight. Narrow is the gate to save Eden; broad is the path to its destruction. Join Marcus, a member of The Order, on his quest to try and save Eden. He will not face the journey alone. Companions will be made, faith may falter, courage will be tested, and unimaginable horrors will surely be encountered as they all fight for survival--their own and that of the Spirit Oaks.

Anthony DeGroot | 9781638441571 | YAF019000 | book-has-featured-image