The Cycles of Creation A New Testament of Life Cycle II Aquarius

Clif LaPlant


The Cycles of Creation IIAquarius Our Solar System is entering another 26,000 year voyage through the Zodiac of the Ages.This will be a New Cycle of Time and Space beginning in the House of Aquarius.B...
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The Cycles of Creation IIAquarius Our Solar System is entering another 26,000 year voyage through the Zodiac of the Ages.This will be a New Cycle of Time and Space beginning in the House of Aquarius.Book 2 of the sixteen "Cycles of Creation" books outlines where our Creator is taking its children on our next journey of life and what these new realities will be for those Souls that are Ready.We are our Creators children. We are Creators also. This is the Big Secret about the Human Being.Aquarius Beckons Us...Star of Aquarius
Clif LaPlant | 9798893080988 | OCC014000 | book-has-featured-image