The Faces of Racism

Vladimir Prempin


Say no to racism and never look away again!This book is about the faces of racism. These are mainly presented and clarified with the help of the author's own experiences with this destructive virus. M...
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Say no to racism and never look away again!This book is about the faces of racism. These are mainly presented and clarified with the help of the author's own experiences with this destructive virus. Many see it, but only few people dare to do something against racism. Through this book, we see how we can best tackle this virus and gain courage to at least stand up to it.This book is intended to inspire everyone to live racism critically and also give us clarity on why it is so important to fight this virus in our lives. It may be that you are not aware of how many times you have been treated badly or discriminated against for racial reasons in your life, but one thing is certain, it doesn't matter what skin color or origin you have, this topic, racism, affects us all.Today, it hurts me, but tomorrow, it can affect you. So what are we waiting for? Let us eradicate this virus from our lives once and for all to leave a safe, peaceful, and above all, a just world for future generations.
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