The Fall of a Lying Nation

Tom Ogren


Many of us that like to read are not necessarily interested in books that take up a lot of time getting to the point of what the writer would have the reader experience as one page follows another. Fo...
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Many of us that like to read are not necessarily interested in books that take up a lot of time getting to the point of what the writer would have the reader experience as one page follows another. For this reason, books that contain short stories fill a category allowing the reader to put as little or as much time in reading that time allows. This best describes the articles found in this work, The Fall of a Lying Nation.This nation was established by God in the same sense the children of Israel were established, placing them in the promised land flowing with milk and honey. There is no denying the fact that the parallels of these two nations are similar. In the case with Israel, the Bible gives a recorded history of its long existence even to its first inception. The Bible also prophesied its destruction, saying, "Therefore shall Zion for your sakes be plowed as a field, and Jerusalem shall become heaps" (Micah 3:12). God suffered long with His people and was very patient with the seed of Abraham. In the same way, our Father in heaven has been slow to wrath in dealing with the moral decline of this nation as truth is rejected, not just spiritually but now secularly, as a lying nation fills up their cup, awaiting God's indignation. This same God allowed Israel to cease as a nation in AD 70 because righteousness wasn't important to its people or its leaders. This is where we are as a nation. "And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter" (Isaiah 59:14). Truth has had a hard struggle in the church for many years. Now that struggle has taken to the streets. Equity is righteousness.
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