Christianity can sometimes become a habit or a tradition, something we are taught to be and which we claim without much thought about what it is or what it requires of us. There are many influences vy...
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Christianity can sometimes become a habit or a tradition, something we are taught to be and which we claim without much thought about what it is or what it requires of us. There are many influences vy...
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Christianity can sometimes become a habit or a tradition, something we are taught to be and which we claim without much thought about what it is or what it requires of us. There are many influences vying for authority over our lives, and sometimes, their voices seem much louder than that of the God we claim to serve. Who we have become as Christians and who God calls us to be can sometimes seem miles apart. The Word of God does not always have the final authority over our lives, so we have become who society, culture, traditions, and churches say we should be. But are we who God says we should be? The Farther We Have Wandered from God's Perfect Plan is a personal reflection of where we are as believers in relation to who we should be as spouses, parents, servants in God's house, and people in general. It is a small nudge for us to search our lives and the things we have embraced as acceptable and see how they hold up to God's yardstick, his own Word by which he sustains all areas of our lives.