The God Of Love And Vengeance

Anatoly Brodsky, MD


Many great books have been written about God over the years that teach us about His nature. Others have written inspirational books to motivate us to strive for a closer personal relationship with our...
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Many great books have been written about God over the years that teach us about His nature. Others have written inspirational books to motivate us to strive for a closer personal relationship with our Creator. Despite having unprecedented access to scripture, as well as the great books which have already been written, the church of today has developed a skewed understanding of God. Many have come to regard God as an Old Man somewhere in the heavens whose primary desire is for His creation to live in comfort and happiness without regard to our sinful state. In many corners, the church has become a social club where like-minded people get together to be entertained. In other corners of Christianity, the focus is on financial prosperity. The real biblical teaching of who God is, what He expects of His creation, and the methods He uses to transform His people into His image does not sell many books, nor does it fill the half-empty churches of our time. The purpose of my books is to present to the readers the God of the Bible. He is the God of love, but He is also the God of justice. He is a God of grace, but He is also a God of vengeance. He is a God of mercy, but He is also the consuming fire. Christianity is not a new religion; it is a story of the fulfillment of promises made to the Jewish people. The God of the new covenant is also the God of the Mosaic covenant. My desire is to remind the church that she belongs to a jealous God who will fight for her and do what is necessary to present her to Himself as a chaste bride, without spot and blemish and one who is separated from this world.Relying on the imagery and symbolism of the entire Bible, I reveal (to the best of my understanding) God's plan for the church as described in the book of Revelation. My desire is that this book will serve to sound an alarm for the church to awake from its slumber and to prepare her for spiritual warfare.
Anatoly Brodsky, MD | 9781638146384 | book-has-featured-image