The God Story

Stephanie Snider


Everyone gets a bit curious from time to time, and we all have questions. Sometimes the youngest minds come up with the most difficult questions that there are seemingly no worldly answers for.The God...
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Everyone gets a bit curious from time to time, and we all have questions. Sometimes the youngest minds come up with the most difficult questions that there are seemingly no worldly answers for.The God Story came to light from one of these difficult questions: “Mommy, why is my friend a different color than me?”How do you answer that?Well, genetics, DNA, birds/bees? No! We turn to the Bible and ask another question: “Lord, help me, please?”In a world full of chaos and uncertainty, The God Story is a fun and funny way to touch on the touchy subjects of race and equality. There is a strong emphasis on the book of Genesis, but more so how God created a beautiful world that wasn’t perfect until he created friends in all different beautiful colors.
Stephanie Snider | 9781098096045 | JUV074000 | book-has-featured-image