The Integrated Self

Patrick Diorio and Arianna Sidway


The purpose of The Integrated Self is to provide a guide for navigating your human experience consciously through lasting personal and spiritual growth. Integration of both the Ego and the Soul is wha...
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The purpose of The Integrated Self is to provide a guide for navigating your human experience consciously through lasting personal and spiritual growth. Integration of both the Ego and the Soul is what we call the Integrated Self, and balance is a main pillar of the Integrated Self Model. Those on their journeys of growth may experience internal competition between their Ego and Soul. The primary job of your Ego is to keep you safe and validated as you do your best in the world, while your Soul is working on your connection to God and your existence. By accepting and balancing the expression of both the Ego and Soul, you experience less of this competition and find that both can exist and support each other. Through expanding consciousness and rewriting your story, you are able to evolve from your past circumstances, integrate the lessons learned, embrace your belief system, and experience a true expression of who God made you to be... your Authentic Self.
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