The Little Book


The Little Book in the book of Revelation 10 holds the mysteries of the seven thunders that uttered seven voices. When John was about to start writing, a voice from the heaven told him to seal up what...
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The Little Book in the book of Revelation 10 holds the mysteries of the seven thunders that uttered seven voices. When John was about to start writing, a voice from the heaven told him to seal up what the seven thunders said and never to write it down. He said the mysteries of God should be finished in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound the trumpet. The same voice instructed John to take the scroll from the angel and eat it. The Little Book holds the history of God's work, so the Church and Adam's seed have fulfilled the prophecy of the Tenure of God, except the Great Tribulation of the mark of the beast that will last for forty-two months. At the end of the sounding of the seventh angel's message, the Great Tribulation begins.
9781644928349 | REL012000 | book-has-featured-image