The Me They Don’t See

Micole L. Dixon


Ten-year-old David is caught in a dilemma. His reputation precedes him, yet it's not really his true reputation at all. Who is David for real? What is he really like? Can he be trusted? Can he be a tr...
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Ten-year-old David is caught in a dilemma. His reputation precedes him, yet it's not really his true reputation at all. Who is David for real? What is he really like? Can he be trusted? Can he be a true friend? Many times people make up in their minds who you are. However, only God knows the real you. "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago" (Eph. 2:10, NLT).
Micole L. Dixon | 9781645150091 | JUV033190 | book-has-featured-image