This book offers you the reader an in depth look through all facets of life. It is compiled of my personal experience, with faith, love, encouragement and personal reflection of life's struggles, triu... Read More
This book offers you the reader an in depth look through all facets of life. It is compiled of my personal experience, with faith, love, encouragement and personal reflection of life's struggles, triumphs and victories. I pray " the mirror in the brook" touches your heart, as it has mine. I hope these pages, will inspire you and empower you to " Hold onto your Dreams, and just Breathe". Most of all Jesus loves us so much! more than we will ever know.Did you ever ask God why? when your heart was breaking. I did, and the Holy Spirit said, who are you to question infinite God and his wisdom, with your finite mind. We may never understand, why God does, what he does, but he is almighty God, and we are just the little people. (Isaiah chapter 40)