The Old and the New World We Live In

Elizabeth Moto


A product of what God can do, Elizabeth Moto states that the Lord has been her mother, father, and guide through all her trials and tribulations in life. Without him, Elizabeth would not have known ho...
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A product of what God can do, Elizabeth Moto states that the Lord has been her mother, father, and guide through all her trials and tribulations in life. Without him, Elizabeth would not have known how to handle all of the situations in life she had to go through. There is not a better teacher in this world than God.Then one day, Elizabeth felt she couldn't take it any longer. God's Son stepped in and asked God to help his children in desperate need. Immediately God responded, and the problem was solved. Elizabeth Moto asks for you to look at her today: a person who never had time or liked to read or write has now completed two books and is trying to help someone else believe what God did for her and what God can do for you.Matt 19:26, Luke 1:37 KJV
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