The Person Inside

Myra H. Doyle


It's human nature to want and expect to be loved and accepted. God made us that way. Because God loves us and accepts us, we expect family and friends to feel the same way. That doesn't always happen,...
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It's human nature to want and expect to be loved and accepted. God made us that way. Because God loves us and accepts us, we expect family and friends to feel the same way. That doesn't always happen, not even in Christian homes. We are spirit and we have a soul and we live in a body. There is a uniqueness that God places in each one of us. It is what makes us different from one another. Our innateness is created by God. That is what is inside the person. Abuse can cloud and even destroy the person inside. Nothing is more personal than abuse. It is an intentional, direct attack on the personhood of an individual. It is the canceling, the erasing of the naturalness of a person. The abuser is committing a do-over on the child or spouse or whomever, whether it be physical, sexual, or psychological abuse. I am a delivered and healed survivor of child abuse. I received deliverance and inner healing from Jesus Christ. He has set the person inside free to be who he created me to be. And he can do the same for you. My hope is that everyone be delivered from their past and healed of their wounds.

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