The Poet’s Perspective


Faith of the Believer is a combination of creative poetry, philosophy, and witthat is founded on the believer's responsibility to seek to rise up to the standard. Astandard which was founded by our Sa...
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Faith of the Believer is a combination of creative poetry, philosophy, and witthat is founded on the believer's responsibility to seek to rise up to the standard. Astandard which was founded by our Savior, which came with basic instructions, foreach believer to go, teach, and make disciples.Poetry is the vehicle, philosophy is the wheels on which it rolls, and the Word is thefuel, which propels it.Somewhere within the bounds of Faith of the Believer is a "spirit check," apersonal revival, an awakening of your original vow. A vow to a faith that you werenot drafted into but one that you believe in your heart and confessed with yourmouth and freely enlisted.So if you are outside of His will, then know that there might be something youyet need to do, or someone that only you can reach. So you might need to get offthe sidelines and back in the game, a game that we can't afford to lose. For we areall here with purpose. And time is winding down for the children of man.I come to you in the volume of the book with purpose, as one crying inthe wilderness, trying to open the eyes of the children of man, before they areharvested by minds of destruction. For God called preachers, God sent teachers,God sent prophets, and God sent poets. And I am "The Poet," and this is The Poet'sperspective on the faith of the believer.
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