The Psycho Within


Tabia Keonna Woolfork died at the hands of the man who swore to love and protect her through thick and thin. In the end, a lapse in judgment by her husband would lead to her demise. Murder/suicide is ...
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Tabia Keonna Woolfork died at the hands of the man who swore to love and protect her through thick and thin. In the end, a lapse in judgment by her husband would lead to her demise. Murder/suicide is what it?s called, domestic violence at its worst. Did she see it coming? Did her life flash before her eyes? In that exact moment, so many unanswered questions. Life without a spiritual connection can lead to death by deception, love dressed up in a mind so captivated by its wants and needs that it dictates the outcome of death, murder, suicide, an unsuspecting wife, struck down in her youth, who never saw it coming. The psycho within is silent until the voices within speak.
9781641403757 | OCC027000 | book-has-featured-image