The Tapestry Of Torah

Sydney Hewitt


The Tapestry of Torah shines each Torah portion into the eternally woven tapestry design of God's blueprint for history; unveiling Messiah, the heart of Torah.Jennifer's Genesis Story ~ Page 82-------...
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The Tapestry of Torah shines each Torah portion into the eternally woven tapestry design of God's blueprint for history; unveiling Messiah, the heart of Torah.Jennifer's Genesis Story ~ Page 82-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Tapestry of Torah brings forth new understanding of the heart of Adonai and His relentless love for Israel and the Wild Olive Branch. Laura's Exodus Story ~ Page 87 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Tapestry of Torah teaches fresh new lessons for our own lives today. The Lessons from the Wilderness anoint us with holy oil, etching Torah upon our hearts!Theresa's Exodus Story ~ Page 143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Tapestry of Torah sings with synergy. Sydney's writing illuminates the woven words of Adonai from the garden of His Torah; still changing lives today! Kilee's Leviticus Story ~ Page 200------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Tapestry of Torah illuminates revelation from each Torah portion leading readers into the brilliant presence of Adonai! This devotional is the perfect companion for Torah study, encouraging a journal experience for readers. Carol's Numbers Story ~ Page 259----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Tapestry of Torah brings the Torah portions to life each week. I see in deeply supernatural ways as never before, from the illumination of Sydney's writing.Beverly's Deuteronomy Story ~ Page 265---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Tapestry of Torah illuminates deep Hebraic meanings found in the Scriptures. By studying Torah with Sydney's devotional, one comes to know the land of milk and honey in a visceral way! Magda's Deuteronomy Story ~ Page 320
Sydney Hewitt | 9781639039852 | REL012150 | book-has-featured-image