The Window

Joseph Medeiros


Through my journey of life from 1967 on, thoughts would come to mind. I started to write them down on small pieces of paper and notes were everywhere–in my car, on my home desk, in my pockets. ...
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Through my journey of life from 1967 on, thoughts would come to mind. I started to write them down on small pieces of paper and notes were everywhere–in my car, on my home desk, in my pockets. I lost some. I threw some away. Then I started to keep them in a small box. One day, I gathered all and applied them into a notebook. Year after year, I collected these thoughts. This year 2017, I had thought to share my notes with others in a book, The Window. In one's honesty, these words are not intended to upset anyone who may differ. My philosophy comes from within my own brain. My words are true, so enjoy some laughter, sadness, and adventure, and smile.
Joseph Medeiros | 9781642144901 | POE000000 | book-has-featured-image