They Called Me a Fool

Sabrina Revills


BlurbThis book is about the struggles we endure as Christians to submit to the will of God. God's will is directly opposed to ours. It is when he reveals His will to us that we often encounter inner c...
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BlurbThis book is about the struggles we endure as Christians to submit to the will of God. God's will is directly opposed to ours. It is when he reveals His will to us that we often encounter inner conflict. This is because most times we don't want to do what he requires. In order to submit, we must have a garden of gethsemane experience as Christ did, and say "Not my will God, but thy will be done." In this book I will share some of my personal conflicts with submitting to the will of God. As my relationship with God increased, his requirements of me grew because of my maturity. Most times I found it hard to submit to these tasks because they made me feel foolish, and there were times my friends and loved ones called me a fool. I will share how these experiences shaped, molded, and made me to be the woman of God I am today. Also, how my anointing increased because of the suffering I endured. Through it all I would rather be a friend of God but a fool to man.
Sabrina Revills | 9781682133675 | book-has-featured-image