Thirsting to Be Real

Michael Heras


The well-known and often repeated storyline of David and Goliath creates a wonderful backdrop for all the stories of our lives. The image of facing our own Goliaths appears at every age for very diffe...
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The well-known and often repeated storyline of David and Goliath creates a wonderful backdrop for all the stories of our lives. The image of facing our own Goliaths appears at every age for very different reasons and outcomes. Furthermore, the quality of those encounters directly determines and impacts the everything else, not only at those moments but all others that follow. If we ran from one fight, we are probably still running!

Thirsting to Be Real-Inspiration for Those Searching for Meaning is written for and dedicated to all of us who face our giants everywhere, seemingly. This collection of stories and life experiences is the result of hard-learned life lessons, which can be acquired at any age: (1) we all have giants, such as hardships, seemingly unbeatable obstacles, problems, and temptations; (2) the battle belongs to the Lord, as David bravely told Goliath; and finally (3), we cannot, nor should we, run from our giants or even attempt to negotiate with an enemy that seeks only to destroy us if not defeated. David faced Goliath, and as the enemy got close, David ran toward him.

I remember what Winston Churchill once said in the darkest days of Britain: "You cannot reason with a tiger when your head is in its mouth." The lesson from this is undeniable. We must know our giants and know ourselves. To be unrealistic with either element spells certain disaster.

It's an odd title for a compilation of short stories but one that sums up exactly what I was thinking. Thirsting to be Real-Inspiration for those Searching for Meaning is the brainchild of countless friends and supporters who listened, read, were moved, and were even changed when I recounted the stories held within. The title itself is no less significant. On one side, these stories are indeed waiting to be read again and again, "thirsting" for that individual in whom they will live and become very real and very inspirational. And on the other side, there is you, the reader, searching for a story, one that is within the confines of this book and will be all the meaning for that inspiration it brings. It is my hope that you find true inspiration and great joy and draw closer to meaningful spirituality. Read each chapter and reflect slowly with your God in peace and complete confidence. Remember your own stories, share yours, and listen to others. Be prepared. Be ready. Be legendary.

You may tell a tale that takes up residence in someone's soul, becomes their blood and self and purpose. That tale will move them and drive them and who knows that they might do because of it, because of your words. That is your role, your gift. (Erin Morgenstern)

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