Tommy the Traveling Turtle Searches for a New Home

Mandi L. Anthony


Come join in Tommy's thrilling adventures of finding a new home. Mandi L. Anthony has always been creative in job choices. Some she created herself, such as Amazing Mandi Enterprises, party clown, Ch...
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Come join in Tommy's thrilling adventures of finding a new home.

Mandi L. Anthony has always been creative in job choices. Some she created herself, such as Amazing Mandi Enterprises, party clown, Christmas elf, furniture hound, and silk flower arranging. This led to visual display assistant for JCPenney, visual marketing director for Shawnee Mall, and bachelor degree in art education. As an art teacher, she shared all the creative ways her students could follow to find a career that they would love. After retiring from teaching art, she entered the world of writing children's books. Look for Grand' Ma Ma's Fudge Shoppe and the Mystery of Miss Cocoa's Diamond Collar.

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