Tug the Turtle

Victoria Holifield


Tug is a tiny turtle starting his life in a small dark place where he is warm and safe. To survive, he must break free of that hollow place where, hidden, he has grown in safety.Through this trying da...
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Tug is a tiny turtle starting his life in a small dark place where he is warm and safe. To survive, he must break free of that hollow place where, hidden, he has grown in safety.Through this trying day, Tug must face varied dangers on his way to find safety once again.Fierce foes lie in wait for our young friend. With luck, cleverness, and even a little spunk, Tug takes each antagonist in turn. In his search for a place of comfort, he must be watchful and resilient.Experience is a hard teacher. The toddler turtle learns more with every enemy he faces. Tug gains strength through his day. He learns how to look for predators and how to avoid becoming their prey.Follow along with Tug as he makes his way through a trail of troubling circumstances and colorful characters in his quest for a safe space to call his new home.
Victoria Holifield | 9781685704469 | JUV000000 | book-has-featured-image