Understanding Socialism and the Danger It Brings

Rev. Dr. Melvin L. Johnson


To his astonishment, Dr. Johnson soon discovered that the socialist movement in the United States has exerted influences throughout practically every aspect of American life, affecting all from the ba...
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To his astonishment, Dr. Johnson soon discovered that the socialist movement in the United States has exerted influences throughout practically every aspect of American life, affecting all from the basic family unit to the Oval Office of the president of the United States of America. For this reason, he has written this book for the purpose of helping individuals to understand how dangerous socialism--the forerunner to communism--actually is. He has worked to present eight observations reflective of socialism's nature and the effects it has had on cultures and nations past and present. He subtitles this book A Basic Primer not to demean or speak to the reader in a tone of condescension but to ensure that the reader gets the message without being pulled within the proverbial "tall grass."

Rev. Dr. Melvin L. Johnson and his wife Sheena of forty-plus years have served as senior pastor and First Lady at the Heart of Christ Community Church in Brazoria, Texas. Having been raised in a small southern town during the volatile sixties and seventies, Rev. Johnson has witnessed and experienced many of the changes both social and cultural that were powered by events such as the Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War as well as the Cold War with the Soviet Union.

With the insatiable drive to identify and bring remedy to many of the most pressing social problems of our time from racial disparity to social unrest, Dr. Johnson is a firm believer that America is not only a great nation, still but has the potential to become even greater than ever before, seeing the rise of socialism as being the grave distraction and detour from its true destiny. He has earned an associate of arts degree from Brazosport College, BA degree in religious education, MA degree in Christian counseling, and doctor of ministry in theology from the Covington School of Theology.

Over the years, Dr. Johnson has written many articles for online publications as well as several books addressing various issues. He has also authored Junk Food in the Body of Christ, Overcoming Racism Through the Gospel, and From Heaven to You. Though not claiming to be a part of the medical profession, Dr. Johnson describes himself as being more of a spiritual pathologist, seeking to study and understand the nature and causes for the spiritual ailments and deaths within individuals, and then offer biblical information that uplifts, inspires and transforms lives for better living.

His certainty concerning socialism's eventual road to bondage and destruction was realized when he was prayerfully researching and seeking answers and solutions to the racial problem in America. Too many times he crossed trails with the theme of socialism and even socialists who were professing to champion the Black struggles but were basically using Black people to further their own cause communism!

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