Virus X

JoLyn Taylor


Researchers have discovered the relationship between human genetics and learning and have discovered the DNA sequence that controls both learning in specific fields of knowledge and human's emotional ...
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Researchers have discovered the relationship between human genetics and learning and have discovered the DNA sequence that controls both learning in specific fields of knowledge and human's emotional behavior.Detective Carl Barnes finds himself in the middle of a scheme that uses this knowledge to control the population by government, medical, and political forces, utilizing a bogus virus that they say threatens the lives of all humanity.Aided by the media and the pharmaceutical industry, as well as a self-serving medical practitioner, they seek to make the population more submissive through a change in human genetic structure brought about by what they call a vaccine. The panicking population is told the vaccine will save them from certain death. They eagerly accept repeated injections that in reality alter their DNA, destroy their immune system, and make them more submissive and dependent upon the government.Follow Carl Barnes as he unravels this plot against humanity.
JoLyn Taylor | 9781662484018 | POL000000 | book-has-featured-image