Walking by Faith with Thanksgiving

Brenda Kerlin


Will Holloway is a blessed man. He and his wife Nan are joyfully expecting their second child. He is the pastor of Faith Christian Church, the church his father and mother established over thirty year...
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Will Holloway is a blessed man. He and his wife Nan are joyfully expecting their second child. He is the pastor of Faith Christian Church, the church his father and mother established over thirty years ago. Life is good as they grow in Christ with lifelong friends. His parents live just over the hill, and they share an abundance of love daily. He kisses Nan goodbye as she leaves for work at the clinic, delivers his son Matt to his parents for a morning of fun, and climbs the ladder to begin his day's work, painting windows on the second story of their big old house. In midafternoon, with the job nearly completed, the world changes forever.

Walking by Faith with Thanksgiving captures the devastation experienced by Will as he suffers unimaginable losses. What does a broken pastor do in a broken world with a broken future? His foundation is shaken, but he must move forward for the sake of Matt. With Will and Matt, you will experience their pain and struggle with next steps. Family will embrace family, and faith and trust in God will enable them. This is a story about moving forward.

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