Webcam Revelations

Lila Karoub


Webcam Revelations is a true story about a domineering and oppressive mother who controlled her children, adult grandchildren, work associates, and anyone that could enhance her social and financial s...
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Webcam Revelations is a true story about a domineering and oppressive mother who controlled her children, adult grandchildren, work associates, and anyone that could enhance her social and financial status. This mother was relentless and showed no mercy to the ones she used and left behind. Even as the mother started declining, she wanted full-time monitoring of her actions while sleeping to make sure she would not die in her sleep. Without the use of her legs and one arm that were paralyzed in a massive stroke, she was still able to keep control of it all by the webcam. Little did she know that it would all come out and her true self would be revealed because of a final stroke that took her mind. The ones who agreed to help this mother stay alive were dying off themselves, and the ones who were alive were becoming crippled and disabled from this mother's twenty-four-hour, seven-days-a-week monitoring. It was a never-ending nightmare.
Lila Karoub | 9798889609667 | FAM001030 | book-has-featured-image