What Was – Could Be Today

Samuel E. Donelson


Samuel "Sam" E. Donelson is an achiever and one who does not let "too much grass grow under his feet." Coming from a family of eight boys, three girls, and, of course, his wonderful mother and father ...
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Samuel "Sam" E. Donelson is an achiever and one who does not let "too much grass grow under his feet." Coming from a family of eight boys, three girls, and, of course, his wonderful mother and father was one of being very poor. His younger years consisted of mostly farm work until he was nineteen years old when he enlisted in the US Army. Besides being a business owner as an electrical contractor, he has worked for large corporations as a "worker bee," VP, and ex-VP, including eighteen years in politics. However, the most important in his life is his wife, Patricia. Sam has set two additional goals before passing on: writing a book and becoming an inventor. His firm belief is to "set your goals and work hard to accomplish them."

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