Why Racism? What If…?

Prophetess Pamelia Wright


This book is for you. Yes, it's time to acknowledge the racism in you. That is the only way to understand why racism? The Bible says to thine own self be true; today, stop hiding, wearing a mask, and ...
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This book is for you. Yes, it's time to acknowledge the racism in you. That is the only way to understand why racism? The Bible says to thine own self be true; today, stop hiding, wearing a mask, and running from the truth of what lives in you. You cannot conquer what you don't confront. Regardless of who you are or what background you come from, you will find yourself in the pages of this book. At that time, you must make a change. Once you make a change, you will be able to make a difference.The pages of this book should be openly reviewed and discussed with family, friends, and social groups. We must learn and overcome these issues together.Our daily prayer should be to ask God to remove everything within us that is not of him. You can also ask God to give you a clean heart.God knows you; The Bible tells us he knows every hair on our heads. God needs you to know yourself. God is intentional and this book is for you. Please don't ignore this vital need for change. Yes, you are in this book, and each page will give you the guidance to identify yourself.People perish for a lack of knowledge, but a lack of knowledge will never be an excuse. Our Father will always place the truth in front of us. We will always have free will to choose. Choose life, not death. You may already be aware of the racism inside of you. It is now time to know where it comes from and why you embrace it. Once you have this knowledge, you can make a choice to pluck it out and not allow the fungus to grow and fester in your soul.What if you make the right choice today? We can only ponder the wonders of What If when every person has the courage to understand Why Racism. This book is available internationally in hardcover, paperback, and e-book formats. No more excuses, get a copy for yourself, friends, and social groups today!
Prophetess Pamelia Wright | 9781639612161 | REL012030 | book-has-featured-image